Control a wild tiger and teach those humans a lesson in Smilodon Rampage! Use your claws and your fangs and wreck havoc to the city. Slay as many humans as you can and destroy all in your path!
Smilodon Rampage is a side scrolling destruction game where you control dangerous tiger that is of a different species. Your goal is to escape your imprisonment and make a rampage on the city streets. Teach those humans a lesson and prove to them that you’re on top of the food chain! Do as much damage and destruction as you can!
Pick up a body and save it for dinner!
Breaking News: saber-toothed tigers are not yet extinct! See for yourself how a furious big cat goes berzerk in the action-orientated destruction game Smilodon Rampage! Maneuver the murderous animal through the city, maul all humans as you try to raze everything to the ground to score. Much fun!
A group of scientists has succeeded in cloning and giving life to prehistoric animals but their creatures will escape and carry out a real carnage! Play as a saber-toothed cat, then a mammoth, and show no mercy by killing and destroying all humans and vehicles that will stand in your way. Smilodon Rampage features various missions with varied objectives and several bosses to fight.
When a prehistoric creature waking up and inadvertently finds himself in town, a real carnage is announced. Control a smilodon (a kind of giant tiger with sharp teeth) and make havoc in the city. Destroy everything in your path, buildings, cars, trucks, planes and annihilate the police and army forces who want to stop you.
Espace from your icy tomb and tear anything and everyone in your path to freedom! There’s nothing like being a powerful and mighty Smilodon!
Game developed by gametornado.
Kontrol harimau liar dan mengajar orang-orang manusia pelajaran di Smilodon Rampage! Menggunakan cakar dan taring dan kecelakaan malapetaka ke kota. Bunuhlah sebanyak manusia yang Anda bisa dan menghancurkan semua di jalan Anda!
Smilodon Rampage adalah sisi bergulir permainan kehancuran di mana Anda mengontrol harimau berbahaya yang dari spesies yang berbeda. Tujuan Anda adalah untuk melarikan diri penjara Anda dan membuat mengamuk di jalan-jalan kota. Ajarkan mereka manusia pelajaran dan membuktikan kepada mereka bahwa Anda berada di puncak rantai makanan! Melakukan sebanyak kerusakan dan kehancuran yang Anda bisa!
Ambil tubuh dan menyimpannya untuk makan malam!
Breaking News: harimau bertaring tajam belum punah! Lihat sendiri bagaimana kucing besar marah pergi berzerk dalam kehancuran game action-berorientasi Smilodon Rampage! Manuver hewan pembunuh melalui kota, menganiaya semua manusia sebagai Anda mencoba untuk meruntuhkan segala sesuatu untuk tanah untuk mencetak gol. Menyenangkan!
Sekelompok ilmuwan telah berhasil kloning dan memberi hidup kepada hewan prasejarah tetapi makhluk mereka akan melarikan diri dan melaksanakan pembantaian nyata! Bermain sebagai kucing bertaring tajam, maka raksasa, dan tidak menunjukkan belas kasihan dengan membunuh dan menghancurkan semua manusia dan kendaraan yang akan berdiri di jalan Anda. Smilodon Rampage fitur berbagai misi dengan tujuan bervariasi dan beberapa bos untuk melawan.
Ketika makhluk prasejarah bangun dan secara tidak sengaja menemukan dirinya di kota, sebuah pembantaian nyata diumumkan. Mengendalikan Smilodon (semacam harimau raksasa dengan gigi tajam) dan membuat kekacauan di kota. Menghancurkan segala sesuatu di jalan Anda, bangunan, mobil, truk, pesawat dan memusnahkan polisi dan pasukan militer yang ingin menghentikan Anda.
Espace dari kubur es dan merobek apa pun dan semua orang di jalan Anda untuk kebebasan! Tidak ada yang seperti menjadi Smilodon kuat dan perkasa!
Game yang dikembangkan oleh gametornado.
Control a wild tiger and teach those humans a lesson in Smilodon Rampage! Use your claws and your fangs and wreck havoc to the city. Slay as many humans as you can and destroy all in your path!
Smilodon Rampage is a side scrolling destruction game where you control dangerous tiger that is of a different species. Your goal is to escape your imprisonment and make a rampage on the city streets. Teach those humans a lesson and prove to them that you’re on top of the food chain! Do as much damage and destruction as you can!
Pick up a body and save it for dinner!
Breaking News: saber-toothed tigers are not yet extinct! See for yourself how a furious big cat goes berzerk in the action-orientated destruction game Smilodon Rampage! Maneuver the murderous animal through the city, maul all humans as you try to raze everything to the ground to score. Much fun!
A group of scientists has succeeded in cloning and giving life to prehistoric animals but their creatures will escape and carry out a real carnage! Play as a saber-toothed cat, then a mammoth, and show no mercy by killing and destroying all humans and vehicles that will stand in your way. Smilodon Rampage features various missions with varied objectives and several bosses to fight.
When a prehistoric creature waking up and inadvertently finds himself in town, a real carnage is announced. Control a smilodon (a kind of giant tiger with sharp teeth) and make havoc in the city. Destroy everything in your path, buildings, cars, trucks, planes and annihilate the police and army forces who want to stop you.
Espace from your icy tomb and tear anything and everyone in your path to freedom! There’s nothing like being a powerful and mighty Smilodon!
Game developed by gametornado.